Sunday School is in Session

Over the next several weeks, we will consider the following doctrinal concepts: Incarnation -GOD Comes to Us, Salvation and Redemption - GOD Reconnects Us, Sanctification - GOD Redirects and Repurposes Us, and Glorification - GOD Manifests Eternal Life in Us


Seasonal suffering has a powerful way of providing glimpses into the potency of eternal glory - glory matters more when you have suffered

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You can be elected even while exiled; GOD Chooses saints in Christ; Wholly humans live into being wholly holy and greater sanctification

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As our Savior, Christ rescues us! As our Reconciler, Christ reconnects us!

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According to the writer of Colossians, Christ is: The image of the invisible GOD, The Blueprint and Agent of Creation as the Begotten, The Center of Creation, The Person of Preeminence in all things, The Location of GOD’s full indwelling, and The Reconciler and Redeemer.

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