May 3, 2020

Trusting While We Wait

Trusting While We Wait

Lamentations 3:25-26, ESV 

25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
    to the soul who seeks him.
26 It is good that one should wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.

Lamentations 3:25-26, the Message 

25 God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks.
26 It's a good thing to quietly hope, quietly hope for help from God.

  1. Trust the sovereignty of God
  2. Rest in our dependency on God
  3. Remember our ultimate salvation is in God


Publish Date:

July 14, 2023


"I'm Sticking With God" | Lamentations 3:21-24 NLT and MSG

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Lamentations is a collection of 5 laments, or psalms of lament. To lament means to wail, to mourn or to weep. Attributed to the weeping prophet Jeremiah, Lamentations sings the sad songs of a people who have been battered by a foreign power, Babylon.

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